
Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Ola From Bem Brazil !!!!

Saturday saw the team on a fact finding mission. It is an important part of the preparation to meet and sample some of the culture of the country we will be visiting and so off we went to Bem Brazil in Liverpool. After a visit to the salad bar our waiter adorned us with various meats from the grill. It was wonderful ( poor Ursy is a veggie !!)  It was equally important for us to sample cocktails! A good evening was had by all and as team leader i bowed out early and left the girls to get the last train home !!
We are all getting along fine and the Portuguese lessons are a challenge. Marina and Manuela, our teachers, are lovely and our weekly lesson is great fun.  Time is getting on now and all the documentation is due at RI headquarters! our flights will be booked really soon, time to get really excited.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

A day wandering around Liverpool !

Today we spent the day wandering around Liverpool. It was a good opportunity to take some photos drink coffee, chat and get to know each other a bit more. We had lunch at the Albert
dock and had a nice relaxing day. Language lessons start on wednesday so time to start switching on and preparing starts in earnest !!

GSE team 2012  Live on stage at the Cavern Club Liverpool !!

Friday, 21 October 2011

From left to right   Kelly Roberts, Liz Carridge, Ursy Watson, Kat Miles and Team leader Steve Martin

Sunday, 18 September 2011

GSE team hard at work

Welcome to our Blog spot!  None of us have blogged before  so this is all pretty new. In March of this year the team was selected and we have been working hard since then to get to know each other and start preparations for our trip. The team will leave for Brazil on 18th March 2012 and will be hosted by Rotary district 4720. The area we will visit will be The Amazon. We are all excited about the adventures that lie ahead. In the meantime much work is to be done. Drop in from time to time and see how we are getting on. Whilst we are away we will try to blog as often as we can.

Steve Martin, Team leader