
Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Some photos from Manaus

Over the past few days we have had the most incredible time in Manauas. Here are some photos which help tell the story.

Team arrive for jungle training !  A great selection of jungle animals on display looked after by the Army

Ursy at a Primary school explaining about the UK

Watching the Military police and dogs dealing with Pirates

At one with the kids at Casa da Criances

Slam dunked by a 3 year old!

Rotary Club de Manaus

I'm ready for my close up! At TV Amazonas

Getting in there early for the World Cup- at the stadium build in Manaus

With the top man. Did Steve call him Gov?

Feeding time for the baby manatees

Football shirts go down a treat at Abrigo Moacyr Alves


  1. Hi guys!
    Once again, thank you very much! Thanks a lot for coming to Manaus, and we hope to see you again here soon!!!
    I just loved the blog! It's so nice to read about you! It's also good to read everything that we have been through these days. I'm going to keep it forever on my mind!
    I hope you enjoy the rest of the Amazon. If you need any kind of help, anything, just ask me.
    Have fun guys! Miss you a loooottt!!!!

  2. Meus Queridos, Olá de novo.
    Como vocês conseguiram usar jaquetas nesse calor?
    Beijinhos MarinaX
